NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Purpose: The Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) test is a computer adaptive assessment designed to be administered multiple times a year to measure baseline and growth in reading and math skills. It is an interactive, web-based test that adapts to the student’s instructional level, based on his or his responses, regardless of grade level. CPS requires that all students grade 2-8 take the end-of-year (EOY) MAP. The results are used for promotion to the next grade level in grades 3, 6, and 8, and for applications to selective enrollment programs in grades 5 and 7. Teachers may also use the results from the early and mid-year administrations to guide instruction at the classroom level or provide additional learning support for individual students.
Total Duration: Untimed, but usually 45-60 minutes per test (2 tests: 1 in reading, 1 in math) Frequency: 3 times per year
Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC): Purpose: PARCC is a common core-aligned computer-based assessment, required by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), designed to measure progress toward the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts and Math for grades 3-8. First administered in the 2014-2015 academic year, PARCC replaces replace both the Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) and the Prairie State Achievement Exam (PSAE). Thus far, the results have not been used by CPS for student promotion or acceptance into selective enrollment programs, teacher/principal evaluation, or school quality ratings.
Total Duration: 8+ hours total in the Spring Frequency: Once per year
Common Core Quarterly Benchmark Tasks Purpose:Students are tested quarterly on what they learned in the classroom in Math, English Language Arts, and Social Sciences.
3 times/year in Math and English Language Arts (grades 3-5),
3 times/year in Math, English Language Arts, and Social Sciences (grades 6-8)
REACH Performance Tasks Purpose: The REACH performance tasks, according to CPS, are “designed to measure student growth toward mastery of one or two key standards in each content area. These assessments are created by CPS teachers and are a component of CPS teachers’ evaluation ratings.” Therefore, every teacher in the school is required to give just one test to just one group of children, once in the beginning of the year and once at the end, to show growth progression. For instance, a 5th/6th grade math teacher needs to only test the one same classroom he tested last fall. A kindergarten teacher, who teaches all subjects to her one class, will choose the same subject she chose last fall on which to retest her class. All subjects need to be tested, including Art, Music, Drama, Computers, Math Enrichment, and Gym.
Total Duration: 40-60 minutes per test: most students will only take one test Frequency: 2 times per year
ACCESS Purpose: ACCESS for ELLs is an English language proficiency test designed to measure English language learners' social and academic proficiency in English
Total Duration: There are 4 components, test could take up to 4 hours total Frequency: Once per year, in January, only for students who speak another language other than English at home
Screening for English Language Proficiency Purpose: This screener assessment measures English language proficiency primarily to determine eligibility for and placement within an ELL program. It is given to any child entering the district for the first time and has indicated that another language other than English is spoken in the home.
Total Duration:Time varies based on students ability to speak English, it usually takes about a half an hour. Frequency: Upon enrollment
Dynamic Learning Maps-Alternate Assessment (DLM-AA) Purpose: The DLM-AA is a computer adaptive assessment designed to measure learning in reading and math for diverse learners with the most significant cognitive disabilities. This is for special needs students, most of whom have severe cognitive delays.
Algebra Exit Exam Purpose: 8th graders who get a passing grade in Algebra class and get a qualifying score on this optional test are eligible for high school placement into the next level high school math course after Algebra 1.
Total Duration: 90 minutes Frequency: Once in the spring